This is Part 4 of my Introvert’s Survival Guide for Pandemic Fatigue blog series. View the full series here. One of the hardest parts of this pandemic has been the uncertainty. Certainty is one of the basic human needs, and we’re not wired to live in such a heightened state of uncertainty for this long.If you’re leading your team through pandemic fatigue, I’d like to offer you a transformative concept from Brene Brown’s book, Dare to Lead: Clear is kind. Unclear is unkind.You won’t have all the answers for your team, but if you provide as much information and clarity as you possibly can, including complete clarity around your expectations, their trust in you will increase and you’ll reduce the number of stories they’re making up about their jobs.Our brains are wired for story, and when there are gaps in information, we naturally fill in those gaps—usually without any fact-checking, which can be dangerous to morale.Ask your team how they’re feeling, what they’re most afraid of, and what information they’re missing. Check in with the introverts on your team one-on-one or give them the option of responding via email, so they’ll be more comfortable opening up. I don’t have to tell you how much they’ll appreciate this approach.
Communicate Your Expectations & Lead by Example
Communicate the importance of taking time off and taking care of their families and themselves. Summer is the time when many take at least one week of vacation, and because our vacation options are limited right now, many have worked through the summer.Working for months on end—especially remotely—without a solid mental break isn’t healthy for anyone, but it can take an even greater toll on introverts, because we need that hard reset and recharge time more often.This includes you! Taking as much vacation time as you usually do, if not more, while also practicing a greater level of self-care and doing what you must to care for your family and kids, if you have them, is the best way to give the permission your teams need to do the same.Read my new Survival Guide to discover all six of the strategies I've been using to manage pandemic fatigue, feel better, and create more joy.